What is Colourful Communication?

Colourful Communication is a programme for individuals and organisations who want to develop greater self-awareness, improve communication and build effective relationships.

Personality profiling is a key element of the process and helps people to raise self-awareness, to understand their preferred style of communication and to recognise the personality and styles of communication of their friends, loved-ones and colleagues. 

The programme is easy to understand and provides a good basis for a personal development plan and when used in conjunction with personal/professional coaching can maximises the potential of individuals and teams.

Colourful Communication is used by many organisations in the following ways:

    • to improve teamwork and leadership
    • for management development
    • to understand how some behaviour could be perceived as "bullying"
    • to introduce the concept of diversity and inclusion into corporate cultures   
    • for recruitment, appraisals and coaching
    • to help organisations through cultural change
Colourful Communication can help families, teachers and anyone looking for better ways to communicate. It has been used in the following situations:
    • In-Service Days - schools use it as part of their CPD for teachers and support staff.
    • Peer Mentoring - training for young people who are looking to become mentors for younger pupils within the school.
    • Talking Families - workshops that help families struggling to communicate with each other. Helping to build rapport and achieve harmony.  


Colourful Communication for Young People

This programme is now available for young people to help them develop relationships and build rapport as they move into the further education or employment.  It helps them to recognise that they can't change other people to make them more like themselves, however, by adapting their own attitude and being in charge of their responses, they can build better relationships with a broader range of people. 

Colourful Communication is a life skill every young person should have the opportunity to learn!

Schools - CC Youth programme can be used to introduce pupils to the personality traits and the non-academic skills they possess.  This has proven to be invaluable when faced with further education or employment choices.

Colleges - as young people come towards the end of education and are faced with the challenges of interviewing, CC Youth Programme can provide a good understanding of how they communicate and identify areas that may require development in order for them to maximise their potential.  This is again a non-academic skill but can very beneficial when preparing for interview.

Workshops and Development Tools

Half Day CC Workshop:  A fun, interactive workshop based on the factual concept that you cannot change other people, but by making simple modifications to your own behaviours you can live more harmoniously and work more effectively with others.

Full Day CC Workshop:  More in depth than the 1/2 day, this interactive workshop uses delegates' profiles and focuses on individual and/or team development plans.  Can be used very effectively as part of an overall development programme.