2020 workshops are in planning and will be posted when dates and venues are confirmed. 
Please check back or click here to send a message.

The POWER Programme

Positive, Optimistic Women Empowered and Ready!

This series of workshops offers women a chance to discover, or rediscover themselves, make positive changes, set goals and action plans to achieve them, as well as providing a safe environment to explore new and exciting ways of being the best version of yourself.

The programme consists of a series of interactive workshops for women of all ages who are interested in self-development and having fun along the way. 


Workshop 1   Motivate Me!

Feeling overwhelmed?  Stressed out?  Lost?  This interactive workshop helps you to discover your core values and looks at confidence building, personal motivation and what it takes to find your purpose and achieve work/life balance.


Workshop 2   Brand “Me”!

Who are you?  What impression are you giving?  What do other people see?  This workshop explains the importance of personal branding and helps you to create a brand that reflects your authentic self.  Find out what “being yourself” really feels like.

Workshop 3   Let’s Talk!

We have all heard the expression “communication is the key to good relationships”.  So what is it that makes talking or interacting with certain people so difficult?  This workshop focuses on communication styles and preferences and helps you to identify them in yourself and others.  It is fun, easy to understand and could really help you become a truly effective communicator.

Workshop 4   Go with Your Gut!

Gut instinct, sixth sense, intuition - whatever you call it, you know you have it.  You just don’t always listen to it, until it’s too late!  During this workshop we will define intuition, look at how to cultivate it and value it, and how to set goals using it.

Workshop 5    Picture This!

Visualisation is a powerful tool.  If you can clearly visualise how you want your life to be then you are on your way to achieving it.  During this very interactive workshop you will be encouraged and guided to create your own personal vision board, focusing on specific areas of your life.  This will be yours to take away so you can manifest your vision.

Workshop 6    Celebrate Success!

In order to move forward with a positive mind-set, we need to reflect, show gratitude for the good things, acknowledge the not so good things and identify the learning we can take forward with us.  This workshop gives you the opportunity to celebrate successes and set new goals.


Although these workshops run one after the other, they will be like a “merry-go-round” - if you miss one you can always jump back on the next time it comes around.  It is hoped to run each workshop twice a year on a mid-week day and twice a year on a weekend day.  So, you will have 4 chances to join each of the individual workshop.

In addition to the workshops, there will be a Facebook group set up which will give members the chance to share ideas and engage in skill-swaps to help themselves and others.  I will also be available for one-to-one coaching sessions and if things progress we might consider setting up Positive Action Learning (group coaching sessions) to facilitate discussion on specific areas of personal development.


Format for workshops

TIMES – Registration will be at 9.45 am.  Workshops will run from 10 am to 2 pm

Proposed format will look like this:

09.45 – Sign in and coffee

10.00 – Session 1

11.00 – Coffee

11.15 – Session 2

12.15 – Lunch

13.00 – Session 3

14.00 – Close

FREQUENCY – workshops will be held once a month on a weekday and again on a weekend day the same month.  This gives you the choice of which day suits you best.  Some people may want to fit it in when the kids are in school.  Others may need to make it at the weekend as they work during the week.  I want to make it accessible for as many women as possible.  However, you must state the day you will be attending at the time of booking.

VENUESTir Na Nog Holistic Centre near Drymen and another venue still to be determined.  (I am looking at Maryhill Burgh Halls and Bearsden Community Hub as possible venues).

REFRESHMENTS – Tea, coffee and water will be provided (and possibly some homemade goodies!)

LUNCH – There will be a 30-minute break for lunch. Lunch itself is not provided. However, at Tir Na Nog you have the Soup Dragon Café on site (highly recommended) and at Bearsden you have several cafes a hop, skip and a jump from The Hub. If we go with the Maryhill venue, there is also a great café on site. If you prefer, you can bring a packed lunch.  


SINGLE WORKSHOPS - Introductory Price of £49 per workshop for those booked and paid for 10 days prior to the workshop delivery date (normal price will be £59 per workshop).

FULL PROGRAMMEIntroductory Price of £250 for all 6 workshops booked and paid for in full 10 days prior to the first workshop delivery date (normal price will be £300).

PAYMENTS – Payments will need to be made at least 10 days in advance of the workshop date via Paypal or BACS transfer.

DATES – The programme will start in February 2020 (specific dates are still to be finalised) and will run until July 2020. 

EXPRESSION OF INTEREST - If you would like to be contacted when dates and venues are confirmed and booking is available, please click here